The new European regulation 2022/2065 Digital Services Act aims to improve the fight against illegal content by online intermediary services such as internet service providers, cloud services and marketplaces. It modernizes and thus replaces the E-commerce directive dating back to …
On October 17th, 2022, the European Council approved the “Women on Boards” Directive that aims at fostering equal treatment and opportunities between women and men on the European employment market by imposing gender quotas within corporate boards. According to this …
The DMA European regulation n°2022/1925 was definitively adopted on September 14, 2022.
It aims at regulating the position of “gatekeepers” companies such as intermediation services (marketplaces, application stores), search engines, social networks or even online messaging.
In particular, it requires …
The “Pacte” Act no. 2019-486 has entered into force on January 1st, 2020. It brings minor modifications on French corporate law, but also impacts entrepreneurs and investors since:
Raphaël Tawa interviewed by Les Echos on the Bad and Good Leaver clause under French law
Raphaël Tawa interviewed by Affiches Parisiennes regarding the growth of the firm
Tawa Choisy successfully defends My Art Invest before the Financial Conduct Authority (UK)
Read the article
Tawa Choisy makes an extensive introduction on the implementation of class actions under French law :
Tawa Choisy gives an opinion on the effectiveness of the disclaimers that virally spread from time to time on Facebook :
Tawa Choisy gives an opinion on how to create a start-up in the US: